22EL-764 On-Demand eCast: Bloodless Medicine: Advances and Alternatives When Transfusion is Not an Option

1 General Continuing Education (GEN) | 1 Florida Lab Personnel (FLP) | 1 California Nurse (CN) | 1 California Lab Personnel (CLP) | 1 Physician (PHY)

Live Program Date: Wednesday, August 10, 2022
Program Number: 22EL-764

Educational Track: Technical/Clinical
Topic: Patient Transfusion
Intended Audience: CEOs, COOs, Directors, Hospital Blood Banks, Hospitals, Laboratory Staff, Managers/Supervisors, Medical Directors, Nurses, Perfusionists, Physicians, Residents/Fellows, Students (MD, MT, SBB), Technologists, Transfusion Safety Officers
Teaching Level: Intermediate

(titles and affiliations at the time of the live program)
Director & Co-Moderator: Elizabeth St. Lezin, MD, Professor of Laboratory Medicine, University of California San Francisco Laboratory Medicine; San Francisco, CA
Moderator: Morvarid Moayeri, MD, PhD, Clinical Professor of Laboratory Medicine, Associate Medical Director of Transfusion Service, University of California San Francisco, Department of Laboratory Medicine, San Francisco, CA
Speakers: Steven M. Frank, MD, Professor, Department of Anesthesiology/Critical Care Medicine; Director, Johns Hopkins Health System Blood Management Program; Director, Center for Bloodless Medicine and Surgery, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD; Jonathan H. Waters, MD, Professor, Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine and Bioengineering; Chief of Anesthesiology, UPMC Magee-Women’s Hospital; Director, Blood Management Program, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA

Program Description
Patients may refuse blood transfusion for religious or other reasons. Bloodless medicine has been described as extreme patient blood management (PBM) and uses many of the same approaches as PBM. This program will review key elements of bloodless care programs and focus on advances in bloodless medicine and surgery. Bloodless care outcomes in specific patient populations will be considered. The program will include case studies highlighting the use and availability of blood alternatives including hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers (HBOCs) for patients who refuse transfusion. The faculty will also identify lessons learned from managing patients without blood transfusion that can be applied to providing safe and effective support for all patients with anemia.

Learning Objectives
After participating in this educational activity, participants should be able to:

  • Describe the key elements of a successful bloodless approach to caring for patients who refuse blood transfusion.
  • Identify blood alternatives including hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers and explain their availability and use in patients for whom blood is not an option.
  • Apply bloodless care principles to improve the safety and effectiveness of transfusions for all patients.

How to Claim Continuing Education Credit

  • Single Viewers: if you registered as a single viewer, complete the evaluation found on the "CE Information" tab after watching the video. By submitting the evaluation, you are attesting to watching the presentation in its entirety.
  • Group Viewers: This is applicable for groups/facilities that purchased Group Viewing access for this program (registration will be verified prior to processing a group viewing attendance log). Group Viewing Coordinators should submit the attendance log to eLearning@aabb.org within 72 hours of the completion/viewing date. Once AABB receives an attendance log, each participant on the attendance log will be granted access as a single viewer to this program and will be required to complete the evaluation in order to claim continuing education credit. Each participant will be required to have an AABB account in order to access this program/platform. If a participant does not have an account, he/she can create one using the same email address provided on the attendance log.

Director & Moderator

Speaker Image for Elizabeth St. Lezin
University of California San Francisco


Speaker Image for Morvarid Moayeri
University of California San Francisco, Department of Laboratory Medicine


Speaker Image for Steven Frank
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
Speaker Image for Jonathan Waters
UPMC Magee-Women’s Hospital; University of Pittsburgh Medical Center