23EL-842 On-Demand eCast: Significant Changes to the 11th Edition of Standards for Cellular Therapy Services

1 General Continuing Education (GEN) | 1 Florida Lab Personnel (FLP) | 1 California Nurse (CN) | 1 California Lab Personnel (CLP)

Live Program Date: Wednesday, June 7, 2023
Program Number: 23EL-842

Educational Track: Quality Education
Topics: Biotherapies
Intended Audience: CEOs, CFOs, COOs, Directors, Managers/Supervisors, Medical Directors, Nurses, Perfusionists, Physicians, Scientists, Technologists
Teaching Level: Basic

(titles and affiliations at the time of the live program)
Director/Moderator: Christopher Bocquet, Senior Director, Standards Development and Quality Initiatives, AABB, Bethesda, MD
Speakers: Kate Brown, PhD, Senior Director, Science, CooperScientific, Los Angeles, CA
Brenda C. Alder, MS, MT(ASCP)SBB, Cell Therapy Transplant and Tissue Bank QA and Regulatory Manager, Northside Hospital, Peachtree Corners, GA

Program Description
This program will introduce the 11th Edition of AABB Standards for Cellular Therapy Services. The speakers will summarize the new and revised requirements incorporated into the 11th Edition of Standards. In addition, the rationale for the changes will be presented and reviewed.

Learning Objectives

After participating in this educational activity, participants should be able to:

  • Explain the rationale for revised requirements.
  • Identify ways to implement the new and revised requirements.
  • Identify existing policies, processes, and procedures that may need to be changed to conform to the 11th Edition of Standards.

How to Claim Continuing Education Credit

  • Single Viewers: if you registered as a single viewer, complete the evaluation found on the "CE Information" tab after watching the video. By submitting the evaluation, you are attesting to watching the presentation in its entirety.
  • Group Viewers: This is applicable for groups/facilities that purchased Group Viewing access for this program (registration will be verified prior to processing a group viewing attendance log). Group Viewing Coordinators should submit the attendance log to eLearning@aabb.org within 72 hours of the completion/viewing date. Once AABB receives an attendance log, each participant on the attendance log will be granted access as a single viewer to this program and will be required to complete the evaluation in order to claim continuing education credit. Each participant will be required to have an AABB account in order to access this program/platform. If a participant does not have an account, he/she can create one using the same email address provided on the attendance log.

Director & Moderator

Speaker Image for Christopher Bocquet
Senior Director, Standards and Quality Initiatives, AABB


Speaker Image for Kate Brown
Speaker Image for Brenda Alder
Northside Hospital Atlanta

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