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AM23-MN-21-O: New Insights into the Development and Consequences of RBC Alloimmunization (Enduring)
1 General Continuing Education (GEN) | 1 Florida Lab Personnel (FLP) | 1 California Nurse (CN) | 1 California Lab Personnel (CLP) | 1 Physician (PHY)
Standard Price
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The development and consequences of RBC alloimmunization have been a long-standing challenge in transfusion medicine. While a significant amount of work has focused on characterizing the important alloantigen targets of RBC alloimmunization, the immune pathways responsible for the development and consequences of alloantibodies following transfusion have remained incompletely understood. This session will provide an overview of the distinct innate immune signaling pathways, from toll-like receptor and interferon signaling, to recent insight into the key B cells, T cells, and antigen-presenting cells involved in the development of alloantibodies against RBC alloantigens. Similarly, while antibody engagement of RBC target antigens can result in a hemolytic transfusion reaction following an incompatible transfusion, hemolytic transfusion reactions are not an inevitable outcome of RBC transfusion. Indeed, a variety of outcomes can occur following an incompatible transfusion, including antibody-mediated removal of the target antigen from the RBC surface. Despite the complexity that governs the development and overall consequences of RBC alloimmunization, key themes are emerging that may provide promising approaches to not only actively prevent but possibly alleviate the most severe complications of RBC alloimmunization. We will explore recent developments in the formation of RBC alloantibodies and the regulators that govern the consequences of incompatible RBC transfusion by evaluating results across a broad spectrum of recent studies in the field.
Learning Objectives
Describe key patient disease states that are associated with increased or decreased rates of red blood cell alloimmunization
Define the genetic polymorphisms that regulate red blood cell alloimmunization
Describe the role of heme in regulating key immune cell involved in red blood cell immunization in patients with sickle cell disease
Define the role of key immune cell populations that orchestrate the development of red blood cell alloantibodies
Define the immune factors that dictate whether an incompatible transfusion actually results in a hemolytic transfusion reaction
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Credits Available
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AM23-MN-21-O: New Insights into the Development and Consequences of RBC Alloimmunization (Enduring) Evaluation
Join us for an essential panel discussion on cybersecurity in healthcare, where real-world insights and expert analysis come together to enhance your organization's defenses. This session features three distinguished speakers from hospitals and blood centers that have faced cybersecurity attacks…