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By far the best value to watch all the on-demand educational sessions from the 2024 AABB Annual Meeting and earn continuing education credit…
What do you do when you discover an unexpected antigen typing? Do you investigate history, rule out sample switch, opt for a different serologic technique, or refer for DNA testing? What about when you encounter an antibody of unidentified specificity? Which test do you perform next, and once the antibody is identified, how is clinical relevance determined? When the safety and well-being of the patient are at stake, possibilities can be overwhelming, test results difficult to interpret, and answers elusive. In this interactive session, participants will act as blood bankers and make critical decisions to shape the outcome of complex and uncommon serology and molecular case studies. Key decision paths will be discussed throughout the cases to illustrate the value and limitations of specific serology and molecular methods and to arrive at an accurate interpretation of test results. Blood Bankers will enhance their knowledge of options to consider when unusual results occur for application in future cases. Clinicians will gain insight into various testing approaches to reach appropriate transfusion considerations/ recommendations.
Learning Objectives
Decide when further investigation is warranted, given immunohematology and genomics testing results.
Choose between options for resolving a complex immunohematology workup, including the following methods: antigen typing, adsorption/elution, cell separation, chemical treatments, titers, and hematology tests.
Select the molecular method that is most appropriate in donor and patient cases: an in-house developed assay to detect specific single nucleotide variants, commercial SNP arrays, Sanger sequencing, and next-generation sequencing.
Interpret immunohematology and genomics results correctly, including making appropriate transfusion and RhIG recommendations when applicable.
All relevant financial relationships have been mitigated.
By completing the evaluation, you are attesting to watching the presentation in its entirety. A certificate will be immediately provided after submission.
Credits Available
Purchasing this session will automatically provide ownership of all the individually purchasable attached CE products, regardless of their stated individual purchase restrictions.
AM24-MN-28-O: Choose Your Own Adventure: Exploring the Depths of Serology and Peaks of Genomics (Enduring) Evaluation
This is a first in a proposed series where we will look at antibodies to red cell antigens that are more prevalent in different parts of the world. Our journey starts in the Shire (USA) as we encounter antibodies relevant to the area we work in…
Currently there are only two options for processing frozen red cell units and washed units on a licensed device. One of these two instruments are used in blood centers throughout the US that freeze red blood cell units and wash products…