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By far the best value to watch all the on-demand educational sessions from the 2024 AABB Annual Meeting and earn continuing education credit…
There are various reasons requiring blood products to be isolated from the general inventory, with recipient safety being the top priority. When a blood center notifies a transfusion service to quarantine blood products, the service’s technologists, supervisors, and medical directors typically ask questions such as: Why is our product being quarantined? What is the anticipated timeline for the investigation? Is it advisable to discard the product? In these situations, it is essential that a thorough investigation is conducted to determine the safety and quality of the suspect product. A cross-functional team assesses the products and may include a comprehensive review of donor eligibility and risk assessment. In this session, we will use case-based learning of real-life examples to illustrate common scenarios involving recipient complications and nonconforming raw materials and products. A systematic approach will be presented to address these circumstances and analyze the challenges that may lead to potential delays in resolving these investigations. Blood center recipient complication data and crucial points to consider when submitting a recipient complication will be reviewed. We will describe the role and composition of a blood center’s Material Review Board during the investigation of nonconforming raw materials and products, including detailing options for the final disposition of nonconforming items. Through the session, the audience will be invited to engage in cases and vote on dispositions by utilizing the Audience Response System.
Learning Objectives
Examine the various scenarios and contributing factors that may lead to the quarantine of blood products.
Review the systematic approach to investigations, including the assessment of donor eligibility and a product’s safety, quality, identity, potency, and purity.
Describe the management of possibly nonconforming raw materials and products by a material review board.
List options for final disposition of nonconforming raw materials and products.
All relevant financial relationships have been mitigated.
By completing the evaluation, you are attesting to watching the presentation in its entirety. A certificate will be immediately provided after submission.
Credits Available
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AM24-SN-11-O: Why is My Blood Product Being Quarantined? Investigations that Happen Behind the Scenes (Enduring) Evaluation
The biennially conducted National Blood Collection and Utilization Survey (NBCUS) provides the most comprehensive estimation of blood collection and utilization in the United States…
Currently there are only two options for processing frozen red cell units and washed units on a licensed device. One of these two instruments are used in blood centers throughout the US that freeze red blood cell units and wash products…
Malaria is caused by intra erythrocytic parasites from the genus Plasmodium. In the natural world, Plasmodium is transmitted to humans via the bite of an infected female Anopheles mosquito…