
Lead Your Staff: Are You a Group or a Team?

1 General Continuing Education (GEN) | 1 Florida Lab Personnel (FLP) | 1 California Lab Personnel (CLP)
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2020 AABB Annual Meeting Session

Coming together with a group of people for a specific purpose can be both rewarding and challenging. Whether the members are from one department, multiple departments, or various organizations, the elements of creating a successful team are the same. We often find that groups have countless meetings, yet they have trouble producing results or showing measurable success in achieving goals. This will be an interactive session designed to highlight the ingredients needed to make an effective team. Members of the audience will be asked to answer questions that will drive the discussion, and the presenters will share their experiences in turning a group into a team.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the key elements required to build a successful team. Discuss why these elements are critical and give examples of successes and failures.
  • Explain the importance of a Team Charter and learn how to develop one.
  • Determine the necessary tools to lead successful teams with deliverable results.


Speaker Image for Lucette Hall
Lucette Hall, BS, MBA
New York Blood Center
Speaker Image for Audra Taylor
Audra L. Taylor, SBB(ASCP)
Chief, Armed Services Blood Program, US Army