
Lead Your Staff: The Communication Crimes We Commit Against Our Employees

1 General Continuing Education (GEN) | 1 Florida Lab Personnel (FLP) | 1 California Lab Personnel (CLP)
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2018 AABB Annual Meeting Session

Program Chair: Peggy McAleer, BS, CQA ASQ
Speakers: Dan Waxman, MD; James Giacoletti
Intended Audience: Medical Director, Manager, Donor Recruiter, Director, COO, CEO, Nurse, Student (MD, MT, SBB), Supervisor, Technologist, Transfusion Safety Officer
Teaching Level: Intermediate

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize when communication techniques are no longer effective
  • Develop methods incorporating Operational Excellence to improve communication
  • Identify the challenges of multi-generational communications and describe actions that impact successful communications

Description: Now is an amazing time to be communicating! With so many ways to connect with people and more data than ever about how people communicate, we still commit communication miscues. Organizations are faced with navigating the communication styles across generations, and also the differences within each generation. Businesses must be nimble as communication technologies advance, and become adept at wielding the explosive growth of social media. This session will provide ways to effectively communicate using the principles and techniques of Operational Excellence that impact and include all generations in the workforce. Dynamic leaders will review past “crimes” in communications and introduce tools to innovate and empower employees while improving communications.
