2018 AABB Annual Meeting Session
Program Chair: Jean Stanley, MBA, MT(ASCP)SBB, CMQ/OE(ASQ)
Speakers: Nancy Eckert, MT(ASCP)SBB; Kim-Anh Nguyen, MD, PhD; Stacy Sime, MT(ASCP)SBB
Intended Audience: CEO, COO, Director, Donor Recruiter, Manager, Medical Director, Nurse, Perfusionist, Physician, Residents/Fellow, Student (MD, MT, SBB), Supervisor, Technologist, Transfusion Safety Officer
Teaching Level: Advanced
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss opportunities that currently exist for increasing diversity in leadership roles in the industry.
- Identify what obstacles are present that hinder advancement into female leadership roles.
- Discuss what can be done to provide mentor ship/ support for an increased female present in senior leadership roles.
Description: Women make up 73% of healthcare managers but only 18% of females are hospital CEO’s according to a report from Rock Health. It is anticipated that a 50/50 gender parity won’t be achieved until 2049. This program will explore this gender gap as it pertains to the Blood Bank/Transfusion Medicine industry. Existing opportunities and barriers will be discussed and what options exist for improving diversity and having females advance into leadership positions. There will be opportunities for Q&A at the conclusion of the presentation.