22EL-766 On-Demand Hot Topic Discussion: Impact of Injectable PrEP on Donor Testing and Screening

1.25 General Continuing Education (GEN) | 1.25 Florida Lab Personnel (FLP) | 1.25 California Lab Personnel (CLP)

Please note: AABB reserves the right to make updates to this program.

Live Program Date: Thursday, August 18, 2022
Program Number: 22EL-766

(titles and affiliations at the time of the live program)
Moderator: Sharon Carayiannis, MT(ASCP)HP, Vice President, Science and Practice, Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies (AABB)
Speakers: Jed B. Gorlin, MD, MBA, Vice President and Medical Director, Innovative Blood Resources; Chair, AABB Transfusion Transmitted Diseases Committee; Brian Custer, PhD, MPH, Director, Vitalant Research Institute; Senior Vice President, Research and Scientific Programs, Vitalant; Adjunct Professor, Department of Laboratory Medicine, University of California San Francisco; Mary Townsend, MD, Senior Medical Director, National Office, Vitalant; Chair, AABB Donor History Task Force

Program Description
This program will provide new information regarding the potential impact of donor use of long-acting, injectable cabotegravir as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) approved by FDA in late December 2021, and new considerations for donor testing and screening. Expert speakers will provide brief presentations, followed by a question and discussion period.

Program Sponsor
This program is complimentary to AABB individual members through the generous support of Ashland, an AABB Premium Corporate Partner.

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Speaker Image for Sharon Carayiannis
Sharon Carayiannis, MT(ASCP)HP
Vice President, Accreditation, Standards & Quality, AABB


Speaker Image for Jed Gorlin
Jed B. Gorlin, MD, MBA
Innovative Blood
Speaker Image for Brian Custer
Brian Custer, PhD, MPH
Vitalant Research Institute
Speaker Image for Mary Townsend
VP / Corporate Medical Director, Vitalant

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