DR. MARY TOWNSEND serves as the Senior Medical Director, National Office at Vitalant in Scottsdale, AZ. Born in Nocona, Texas, Mary earned her bachelor’s degree in Chemistry and her master’s degree in Physical Chemistry prior to attending medical school at UT Southwestern in Dallas, TX. She trained in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Pennsylvania and completed her residency in Clinical Pathology at the Medical College of Pennsylvania. Mary has spent her career focusing on the care and feeding of donors, for whom she has an abiding passion. She was an inaugural member of the AABB Task Force to redesign the uniform donor questionnaire, serving as its second chair. She chaired both the America’s Blood Centers’ Scientific, Medical, Technical and Quality committee and the ABC Donor Adverse Event committee. She has been a member of the AABB Donor Biovigilance Working Group since its inception and was one of three centers to pilot the DonorHART Biovigilance system. She has been an editor of _Notify Library_ since 2015, focusing on donor adverse events and infectious events in recipients.