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AM24-SN-03-O: What Does the Transfusion Service Need to do to Implement an ABO Incompatible Pediatric Heart Transplant Program? (Enduring)

October 23, 2024
1 General Continuing Education (GEN) | 1 Florida Lab Personnel (FLP) | 1 California Nurse (CN) | 1 California Lab Personnel (CLP) | 1 Physician (PHY)
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Due to the difficulty in obtaining pediatric and neonate heart transplant organs, there is a push to give ABO incompatible (ABOi) hearts to neonates and pediatric patients. This is possible because neonates and some pediatric patients have weak or no isohemagglutinins. To ensure that the transplant is successful, several steps need to be put in place to prepare the patient for the ABOi heart. In this session, we will share our process for implementing what type of blood products are acceptable before, during and after the ABOi heart transplant. We will also share our testing strategy and clinical needs for the patient in order to have a successful ABOi heart transplant.

Learning Objectives

  • Discuss the background for how ABOi heart transplants have become possible.
  • Share the clinical needs of this patient population when preparing for an ABOi heart transplant.
  • Discuss the type of transfusion service testing needed for ABOi heart transplant.
  • Share decision tables for the ABO type of blood products before, during and after an ABOi heart transplant is performed.


Speaker Image for Kristen Nelson-McMillan
Advocate Children's Hospital - Oak Lawn
Speaker Image for Jamie Moore
Jamie Moore, MLS (ASCP), SBB
Atrium Health


Speaker Image for Andrea Pelock
Andrea Pelock, MT(ASCP)
Advocate Christ Medical Center

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