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Transfusion Safety Officers (TSO) are are being increasingly recognized as an important component of blood transfusion safety. A conduit for transfer of critical information regarding blood product transfusion between clinicians and laboratorians, TSO roles have evolved over time in tandem with advances in the transfusion medicine field to bring the most current best practices to the point of care of blood transfusion delivery. The role of TSOs is broad, ranging from patient-specific with individual investigations up to evaluation of system-level data. TSO roles are also dynamic and may vary in day-to-day activities to reflect various settings in which TSOs practice. Being situated at the intersection of laboratory and clinical aspects of transfusion medicine allows for TSOs to recognize trends, identify areas for potential improvement and implement strategies to optimize blood transfusion safety while also adapt across different practice settings. This session will outline the roles and responsibilities of transfusion safety officers, present inclusive and informative perspectives from different practice settings spanning across hospitals and geography, and discuss potential challenges and future directions.
Learning Objectives
Discuss the impact of transfusion safety officers on transfusion medicine practice
Recognize the responsibilities of transfusion safety officers in various hospital settings
Compare different models of transfusion safety officers in various countries
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Credits Available
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AM24-TU-08-O: A Global Perspective of Roles, Responsibilities and Impact of Transfusion Safety Officers (Enduring) Evaluation
AABB Standards 5.30.2, 5.30.3, and 5.30.4 require that Rh negative women who are pregnant or who have been pregnant recently be considered for Rh Immune Globulin administration when the Rh type of the fetus/neonate is unknown or positive when tested for D or weak D…
Many hospitals have administrative and clinical elements for Mass Casualty Events (MCE) but often do not include how to determine the number of blood products that will be needed and rarely how the products will be distributed or tracked…
Anesthetic and surgical techniques have greatly improved blood loss outcomes in patients undergoing surgery, especially in heart and liver transplantation, but substantial blood use and critical decision points remain…
Traditionally, the field of transfusion medicine encompasses three major clinical specialties: Blood Banking, Apheresis and Donor / Blood Production Services. However, increasingly more transfusion medicine specialists are also including coagulation into their clinical practices…