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AM24-MN-20-O: What is Interventional Transfusion Medicine / Hemotherapy? Why It May Represent a New Future for Transfusion Medicine. (Enduring)

October 23, 2024
1 General Continuing Education (GEN) | 1 Florida Lab Personnel (FLP) | 1 California Nurse (CN) | 1 California Lab Personnel (CLP) | 1 Physician (PHY)
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Traditionally, the field of transfusion medicine encompasses three major clinical specialties: Blood Banking, Apheresis and Donor / Blood Production Services. However, increasingly more transfusion medicine specialists are also including coagulation into their clinical practices. At the Texas Medicine Center, transfusion medicine teams across various institutions have integrated coagulation with transfusion medicine into a unique clinical service that is sometimes referred to as Hemotherapy or Interventional Transfusion Medicine. For over a decade, these teams of transfusion specialists have been involved in the daily care of patients with special coagulation challenges and patients requiring special transfusion / coagulation support. Speaker 1 will be discussing the critical role the Hemotherapy service fulfill in the daily care of complex pediatric patients including patients on Extracorporeal Life Support and acquired coagulation disorders discovered preoperatively at the largest pediatric hospital in the country. Speaker 2 will also share how research in coagulation medicine has led to improvement in transfusion practices and clinical outcomes. Speaker 2 will be discussing his team’s experiences in support his institution’s adult cardiovascular surgery service. In addition, Dr. Tint will discuss the transfusion medicine fellowship program designed to prepare fellows for a career in Hemotherapy. This session will also touch upon the opportunities and challenges of developing a Hemotherapy service.

Learning Objectives

  • List and discuss the critical role the Hemotherapy service fulfill in the daily care of complex pediatric patients
  • Discuss research in coagulation medicine has led to improvement in transfusion practices and clinical outcomes
  • Discuss how transfusion medicine fellowship program can be designed to prepare fellows for a career in Hemotherapy
  • Assess the coagulopathic bleeding patients using various laboratory assays and determine the indication for blood transfusion
  • List and discuss the hemostasis and anticoagulation agents commonly used in adult ICU setting


Speaker Image for Shiu-Ki Hui
Houston Methodist Hospital


Speaker Image for Hlaing Tint
The University of Texas Health Science Center , McGovern Medical School
Speaker Image for Lisa Hensch
Department of Pathology, Texas Children's Hospital/Baylor College of Medicine

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