
Best Practices: Emergency Event Planning in the Transfusion Service

1.25 General Continuing Education (GEN) | 1.25 Florida Lab Personnel (FLP) | 1.25 California Lab Personnel (CLP)
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2019 AABB Annual Meeting Session

This session will review the elements of planning for the emergency events that can occur in the transfusion service and hospital beginning with a risk analysis. Topics covered include a loss of communications, loss electrical or water resources, and continuing the operation of a transfusion service after an emergent move.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify risks for their facility.
  • Evaluate options in preparing for potential emergencies.
  • Create a checklist for moving transfusion service functions to another location.


Speaker Image for Maureen Beaton
Maureen Beaton, MT(ASCP)BB
Former Manager, Transfusion Services, Boston Children's Hospital
Speaker Image for Suzanne Butch
Suzanne H. Butch, MA, MLS(ASCP)SBB, DLM
Consultant, Michigan Medicine
Speaker Image for Theresa Downs
Theresa Downs, MT(ASCP)SBB
University of Michigan Hospitals
Speaker Image for Sheri Goertzen
Sheri Goertzen, MLS(ASCP)BB, CLS(CA), CQA(ASQ)
Valley Children’s Hospital and Healthcare

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