Michael Reade MBBS, MPH, Dphil, DMedSc

University of Queensland

Professor Michael Reade is Deputy Head of the Medical School at the University of Queensland, with primary responsibility for all UQ Brisbane teaching hospitals and general practices, along with the preclinical teaching resources on the St Lucia campus. He is an intensivist at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, and an anaesthetist at Ipswich Hospital. He was previously Director of Clinical Services of the Regular Army’s only field hospital, and until 2021 with the rank of Brigadier he was Director General of the Health Reserve. Appointed Professor Military Medicine and Surgery by Joint Health Command in 2011, he continues to lead an expanding research program focused on military trauma medicine based at UQ, covering trauma systems design, blood and fluid resuscitation in trauma, and traumatic brain injury.


  • Thumbnail for AM24-ST-22-O: Cryopreserved Platelets: From Bench to Bedside (Enduring)
    October 23, 2024
    1 General Continuing Education (GEN) | 1 Florida Lab Personnel (FLP) | 1 California Nurse (CN) | 1 California Lab Personnel (CLP) | 1 Physician (PHY)
    This session will explore the characteristics of cryopreserved platelets from laboratory studies, followed by the first presentation of the results from the CLIP-II clinical trial…

    Moderator & Speaker

    Speaker Image for DENESE MARKS
    Research Program Leader, Australian Red Cross Lifeblood


    Speaker Image for Michael Reade
    Michael Reade, MBBS, MPH, Dphil, DMedSc
    University of Queensland
    Standard Price
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