

Director, Clinical Education, Versiti

Sue T. Johnson, MSTM, MT(ASCP)SBBCM is Director of Clinical Education at Versiti and Director of the Transfusion medicine Program at Marquette University and a Clinical Associate Professor at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, College of Health Science. Prior to this, she worked in the immunohematology Reference laboratory for 25 years, developing a special interest in autoimmune hemolytic anemia, particularly drug-induced immune hemolytic anemia. Ms. Johnson has been actively involved in AABB serving on many committees. She is a past member of the AABB Board of Directors and is currently the Volunteer Program Ambassador. Sue is past chair of the American Society of Clinical Pathology Board of Certification Board of Governors and is a member of the ISBT Immunohematology Working Party. Ms. Johnson has authored numerous publications in the field of Transfusion Medicine and Immunohematology including Judd’s Methods in Immunohematology and Blood Banker Favorites: A Collection of Best Recipes for Blood Sample Preparation. She has also had the honor of being an associate editor of the 20th and newly released 21st edition of the AABB Technical Manual.


  • Thumbnail for AM23-SN-25-O: Blood Bank Guy Essentials LIVE! (Enduring)
    October 18, 2023
    1.5 General Continuing Education (GEN) | 1.5 Florida Lab Personnel (FLP) | 1.5 California Nurse (CN) | 1.5 California Lab Personnel (CLP) | 1.5 Physician (PHY)
    The Blood Bank Guy Essentials Podcast is designed to focus on teaching the essentials of Transfusion Medicine. This educational session will be in a "live interview style" with audience participation, similar to a live podcast recording experience…


    Speaker Image for D. Joe Chaffin
    Transfusion Medicine Educator, Loma Linda University


    Speaker Image for Meghan Delaney
    Childrens National Hospital; George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences
    Speaker Image for Sue Johnson
    Sue T. Johnson, MSTM, MLS(ASCP)SBBCM
    Director, Clinical Education, Versiti
    Standard Price
    Members save $5
  • Thumbnail for AM23-MN-28-O: Wizardry School of Antigens and Antibodies (Enduring)
    October 18, 2023
    1.5 General Continuing Education (GEN) | 1.5 Florida Lab Personnel (FLP) | 1.5 California Nurse (CN) | 1.5 California Lab Personnel (CLP) | 1.5 Physician (PHY)
    AABB’s Wizardry School of Antigens and Antibodies is back for its seventh and final year classes. Medical Laboratory Scientists and physicians will be challenged to demonstrate their blood bank wizarding skills in interactive case studies in this series inspired by one of our favorite wizards…


    Speaker Image for Sue Johnson
    Sue T. Johnson, MSTM, MLS(ASCP)SBBCM
    Director, Clinical Education, Versiti


    Speaker Image for Rebecca Coward
    Rebecca Coward, MLS (ASCP), SBB
    Technical Supervisor, WakeMed
    Speaker Image for Monica Kalvelage
    Monica Kalvelage, MTSM, MLS(ASCP)MB, SBB
    COO, LifeShare Blood Center
    Speaker Image for Jayanna Slayten
    Jayanna Slayten, MS MLS(ASCP) SBBCM
    Coordinator of Quality and Analytics, Indiana University Health
    Standard Price
    Members save $5
  • Thumbnail for AM24-TU-04-O: Blood Bank Guy Essentials LIVE! (Enduring)
    October 23, 2024
    1.5 General Continuing Education (GEN) | 1.5 Florida Lab Personnel (FLP) | 1.5 California Nurse (CN) | 1.5 California Lab Personnel (CLP) | 1.5 Physician (PHY)
    The Blood Bank Guy Essentials Podcast is designed to focus on teaching the essentials of Transfusion Medicine. This educational session will be done in "live interview-style" with audience participation, similar to a live podcast recording experience…


    Speaker Image for Kevin Land
    Speaker Image for Sue Johnson
    Sue T. Johnson, MSTM, MLS(ASCP)SBBCM
    Director, Clinical Education, Versiti
    Speaker Image for Meghan Delaney
    Childrens National Hospital; George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences


    Speaker Image for D. Joe Chaffin
    Transfusion Medicine Educator, Loma Linda University
    Standard Price
    Members save $5
  • Thumbnail for AM24-TU-12-O: Lord of the Antibodies (Enduring)
    October 23, 2024
    1 General Continuing Education (GEN) | 1 Florida Lab Personnel (FLP) | 1 California Nurse (CN) | 1 California Lab Personnel (CLP) | 1 Physician (PHY)
    This is a first in a proposed series where we will look at antibodies to red cell antigens that are more prevalent in different parts of the world. Our journey starts in the Shire (USA) as we encounter antibodies relevant to the area we work in…


    Speaker Image for Jasem Albasri
    Jasem Albasri, MSTM, SBB(ASCP)CM
    Prince Sultan Military Medical City
    Speaker Image for Andrea Pahomi
    Andrea Pahomi, MSTM, MLS(ASCP)CMSBBCM


    Speaker Image for Sue Johnson
    Sue T. Johnson, MSTM, MLS(ASCP)SBBCM
    Director, Clinical Education, Versiti
    Standard Price
    Members save $5