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Live Program Date: Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Program Number: 24EL-432
Educational Track: Technical/Clinical
Topics: Blood Donation & Collection, Patient Transfusion
Intended Audience: Genetic Counselors, Hospital Blood Banks, Hospitals, Immunohematology Reference Labs (IRL’s), Laboratory Staff, Managers/Supervisors, Medical Directors, Nurses, Physicians, Research Scientists, Residents/Fellows, Scientists, Students (MD, MT, SBB), Technologists
Teaching Level: Basic, Intermediate
(titles and affiliations at the time of the live program)
Director/Moderator: David Unold, MD, Health Sciences Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, UC Davis School of Medicine, Sacramento, CA
Speaker: Brian R. Curtis, MS, PhD, D(ABMLI), MLS(ASCP)SBB, Senior Director, Diagnostic Hematology, Director, Platelet & Neutrophil Immunology Lab, Senior Investigator, Blood Research Institute, Versiti, Milwaukee, WI
Program Description
Immune platelet disorders are challenging and clinically significant entities. When the need arises to select appropriate testing to confirm the presence of platelet antibodies, both laboratorians and clinicians may be uncertain about what testing exists and what testing is appropriate for a specific clinical scenario. In this program, a prominent expert in the field of platelet immunology and research will introduce the world of human platelet antigens (HPA), antibodies and present current methods for platelet antibody and antigen testing. Attendees will come away with knowledge that they can use to select and interpret platelet antibody and antigen tests for specific immune platelet disorders.
Learning Objectives
After participating in this educational activity, participants should be able to:
How to Claim Continuing Education Credit
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How to Claim CE Credit