Jeffrey Carson MD

Provost and Distinguished Professor of Medicine, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School


  • Thumbnail for AM23-ST-05-O: 2023 AABB RBC Transfusion Guidelines Debate: Which Restrictive Hemoglobin Threshold? (Enduring)
    October 18, 2023
    1 General Continuing Education (GEN) | 1 Florida Lab Personnel (FLP) | 1 California Nurse (CN) | 1 California Lab Personnel (CLP) | 1 Physician (PHY)
    Numerous randomized control trials compared hemoglobin concentrations to determine the optimal threshold to make transfusion decisions. Most frequently, these studies included patients requiring hip or cardiac surgery and patients admitted to intensive care units…


    Speaker Image for Monica Pagano
    Division Head of Transfusion Medicine, Medical Director Transfusion Services, University of Washington


    Speaker Image for Jeffrey Carson
    Provost and Distinguished Professor of Medicine, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
    Speaker Image for Simon Stanworth
    Simon Stanworth, DPhil, MD
    Professor of Haematology and Transfusion Medicine; Consultant Haematologist, University of Oxford
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